God is Awesome!
"As you do not know the path of the wind, or how the body is formed in the mother's womb, so you cannot understand the work of God, the Maker of all things." Ecclesiastes 11: 5 Do you ever have moments wherein as you take your daily walk or travel to work or school, you just look around and just be in awe with what you see around you? Do you ever take a moment to just stay and sit at a nearby park and just listen to the beautiful harmony of the chirping birds and watch as the trees sway with the wind? Friends, everything that we see around us, everything that we experience, we owe it all to God. And just to note, He is truly an AMAZING God! (Amen?) Could you just imagine how powerful He is to have created such marvelous things? And all of these He did for one reason alone: ...out of so much LOVE. Yes. Love is the reason for everything that He created. And that includes YOU. You are created out of the unlimited and overflowing love of God. So d...