God's treasure

"I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Your works are wonderful, I know that fully well."
Psalm 139: 14

In life, we have to understand and accept that not everyone will like us. Some people that we work with or live with will, one way or another, reject us or say things that will put us down.

But get this:

People may reject us, but GOD accepts us. He does...

...every single day of our lives...


Simple. He created us. He knows us very well. And we are His prized possessions. Nothing in this world can take that fact away from us.

So, did a rejection from someone set you back from living your life?

Think again. There is someone who loves and accepts you for who YOU really are.

He is our Father. He is our Creator.


Dearest Lord, I offer You my unending praise and thanksgiving for the gift of life that You bless me with everyday. I thank you that I have been made in Your image and likeness. Thank you for loving me unconditionally and accepting me for who You created me to be. May I be able to share this same love and appreciation to others who need it the most. AMEN.


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