Recall, reflect, renew

"I will remember the deeds of the Lord; yes I will remember Your miracles of long ago." Psalm 77: 11

Happy new year to everyone! 2011 has filled us with yet again good and bad events that has made its mark in history.

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However, we should never forget the wonderful blessings that God has been giving us. 

There may be rough times in our lives, but remember always that God will never cease to bless us abundantly. He has never left us in times when He needed us the most. And with that, we should never miss out on thanking Him for all these blessings.

Remember: Don't count what is wrong...count your blessings instead! Doing so will make your life centered upon God and you'll find that life is indeed something worth living after all.

God is good...ALL the TIME!
ALL the TIME...God is good!
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Heavenly Father, all praise and thanksgiving are yours. Thank you for the wonderful year that had passed. Thank you for the blessings that You have showered upon me, especially when I need it  the most. Thank you for the wonderful people that You have sent in my life they made my life a lot more meaningful for they made me feel that You love me. I pray for a wonderful year ahead and that you will bless me more, so that I can bless more people. All these I pray, AMEN.


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