
Your Father knows what you need before you ask Him.
Matthew 6:8

Most of us have dreams in our hearts that we have prayed, believed and hoped for so long and yet it seems like you are barely inching closer to achieving that. As time passes by it just gets more frustrating and instead of gaining more hope, we end up doubting and finally quitting on that dream.

Today, be enocouraged by God’s simple message: He knows what you need.

Yes, need. Not want.

More often, we dream for simply what we want, forgetting that God has something better in store for us. We end up being impatient for the great things God has for us that we end up settling for second best. Just so our desires can be satisfied.

Friends, please remember this:
God has a beautiful and amazing plan ahead of us. The key to appreciating this rests on two things:

First: Be patient. His timing is ALWAYS perfect.
Second: Trust. Always keep in mind that better days are coming your way.

Father, today I surrender to You as a sign of complete trust and confidence in Your perfect timing for my life. Let me be more patient as I wait for the fulfillment of the promises and dreams that You have set before me. Amen.


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