Extra Mile

If anyone press you into service for one mile, go with him for two miles.
Matthew 5:41

To help someone is truly a fulfilling and a noble thing to do. It is one of our ways of sharing the gifts God has given us. But have you ever experienced helping out to the extent of going out of your way just to do so.

Did you feel happy? Or did you feel a bit annoyed doing so? Did you ever experience regret at some point?

Truth be told, there would be times that we would feel disappointed in lending an extra time and an extra hand in doing so.

But to shed light into this, remember that helping out is never a bad thing to do. We are all called to help each other out in times of need. Even when it means exerting an extra effort to do so.

However, always remember that as humans, we have our limits. And that is something we should all learn to respect. Help, extend an extra hand and time, but never ever forget that there is a limit as to your helping hand can go. Too much help may lead to dependence on you that you might end up making things worse for that person.

Father, I thank You for Your provision that allows me to help and be of service to the people around me. May I be able to continue extending a helping hand to those who need me. Send me to those whom You want me to help. In Jesus' name. Amen.


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