Right Path

"You will show me the path to life, abounding joy in your presence, the delights at Your right hand forever."
Psalm 18:11

Do you feel stuck in your journey, thinking that you keep on walking but are headed nowhere? Do you feel lost as you tread through life?

Today, be secured in the fact that God promises that He will lead us to the right path. He is our travel buddy, our constant companion, our help in time of need. He knows the way, for He is the way. He has mapped out our days and will never leave us astray. This alone should make us feel confident to walk through life with our heads held high. Not only that, He also promises that there is great joy that goes along with following Him in the path that He leads us to walk along.

So today, choose to follow Him and reap the great rewards of having His presence in your life.

Father, I thank You for leading the way. I may feel stuck and lost, but I place my trust in You that I will never be alone in my life. I choose to follow You everyday, for in You, there is love, joy and peace. In Jesus' name. Amen.


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