
Showing posts from March, 2017


"Ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock and the door will be opened to you." Matthew 7:7 When asked: "What do you want?", would you be able to give an outright answer? Most of us go through life not really knowing what we really want to have or achieve. The funny thing is that we often complain that we are not blessed unlike others. The reason? We do not know what we want. God has planted seeds of dreams in our hearts and all we have to do is to shower it with faith, trust and confidence that it will all happen in God’s perfect time. Today, we are reminded to stay in great faith that when we ask, seek and knock, God will hear our call and bless us abundantly. The key is to keep trusting: …even when things don’t make sense …even when waiting gets too long …even when discouraged. God has a plan. And that plan is  always  for our good. Father I place my complete trust in You today. You have my best interests a...

Fear Not!

We love because He first loved us. 1 John 4:19 As they say: "Love makes the world go round." We are faced with the sad reality that our world is currently plagued with wars, hatred and fear. Lots of lives are scrificed day after day. A line from a song comes to mind: "What the world needs now is love, sweet love…" Let us remember today that we are born out of love, thus we are made to love. Love keeps our relationships and our lives intact. And every waking moment of our lives, we are loved completely in more ways than one. In return, there is a beautiful call for us to love every single person we meet each day. The challenge for us is to find out how we can spread and show love even in the most simple ways possible. It doesn’t have to take grand and complicated actions to do so. Little by little, day by day, we should make a conscious decision to love, and make it a habit . Today, ask and seek God who will never, ever get tired of lovin...


Your Father knows what you need before you ask Him. Matthew 6:8 Most of us have dreams in our hearts that we have prayed, believed and hoped for so long and yet it seems like you are barely inching closer to achieving that. As time passes by it just gets more frustrating and instead of gaining more hope, we end up doubting and finally quitting on that dream. Today, be enocouraged by God’s simple message: He knows what you need. Yes, need. Not want. More often, we dream for simply what we want, forgetting that God has something better in store for us. We end up being impatient for the great things God has for us that we end up settling for second best. Just so our desires can be satisfied. Friends, please remember this: God has a beautiful and amazing plan ahead of us. The key to appreciating this rests on two things: First : Be patient . His timing is ALWAYS perfect. Second : Trust . Always keep in mind that better days are coming your way. Father, ...

Shout Out!

"Let the words of my mouth meet with Your favor." Psalm 19:15 There are things we wish to have or hope to do. Yet often, we miss out on those for a simple reason: we doubt. And this doubt leads to fear, and this fear is manifested through the words that we say, making us think and believe that we cannot achieve our goals. Today’s Psalm reminds us of a simple prayer: that we can hold on to the hope that what we say meets God’s will for our lives. He has promised an amazing future ahead of us. And He has declared that from long ago. On our part, we should meet that declaration with our own. But it should not be words of doubt and fear. It should be words that speak of a firm belief that God wills the best for us. That great and amazing things are coming our way. It might be scary but with the extreme confidence coming from God we can meet fear in the eye and say:  "I am better than this. God has given me the strength to become the very best that He has ...

Healthy and Whole

"Those who are healthy do not need a physician but the sick do." Luke 5: 31 Hospitals. A place where the sick people are brought along with the hope that they will get better after being attended to and treated by the doctors and the nurses. However, there are those who, unfortunately, wouldn’t want to visit the hospital despite their illness for they think that they can handle themselves well. Or maybe they are just afraid of the doctor or the hospital. Many times we turn away from God, or we refuse to approach Him for we think that He will not accept us becuase of the many sins we have done. We assume that He will judge us or be mad at us because of our brokenness. In today’s Word, God is reminding us of the mission Jesus was sent for: to call the sinners back to repentance (Lk. 6:32). He wants to be with you. He wants to embrace all of you. He wants to love you. Friend, are you in a situation where you need God’s healing? Come to God today....


"What profit is there for one to gain the whole world yet lose or forfeit himself?" Luke 9:25 We all have dreams in life. Goals are set ahead of us that serve as our guide as we journey through life. However, there would be times where we could get so caught up with our dreams that we lose sight of the things that really matter. We get lost in the desire to fulfill these dreams. Our  relationships   unfortunately get compromised as we try to chase after our dreams. We forget to give importance to the people who stand by our side when things fall apart. And as we fulfill our dreams, we find ourselves more lost than complete simply because there is no one around who will share the joy with us. Let us never forget to prioritize what really matters - relationships. The people who will journey with us: making it even more enjoyable and lighter to chase after our dreams. And in the process, we gain more than just our dreams. We will end up learning more and impor...