Fear Not!

We love because He first loved us.
1 John 4:19

As they say: "Love makes the world go round."

We are faced with the sad reality that our world is currently plagued with wars, hatred and fear. Lots of lives are scrificed day after day.

A line from a song comes to mind:
"What the world needs now is love, sweet love…"

Let us remember today that we are born out of love, thus we are made to love. Love keeps our relationships and our lives intact. And every waking moment of our lives, we are loved completely in more ways than one. In return, there is a beautiful call for us to love every single person we meet each day.

The challenge for us is to find out how we can spread and show love even in the most simple ways possible. It doesn’t have to take grand and complicated actions to do so. Little by little, day by day, we should make a conscious decision to love, and make it a habit .

Today, ask and seek God who will never, ever get tired of loving us to show us the way to reach out to those in need of our love…His love.

Father, I come to You today with a humble heart. Embrace me today, enable me to be the bearer of Your love to the people we meet each day. This world is in need of more of Your love. May your love fill our hearts and may we make it a habit to be more and more loving every day. Amen.


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