
"Ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock and the door will be opened to you." Matthew 7:7 When asked: "What do you want?", would you be able to give an outright answer? Most of us go through life not really knowing what we really want to have or achieve. The funny thing is that we often complain that we are not blessed unlike others. The reason? We do not know what we want. God has planted seeds of dreams in our hearts and all we have to do is to shower it with faith, trust and confidence that it will all happen in God’s perfect time. Today, we are reminded to stay in great faith that when we ask, seek and knock, God will hear our call and bless us abundantly. The key is to keep trusting: …even when things don’t make sense …even when waiting gets too long …even when discouraged. God has a plan. And that plan is always for our good. Father I place my complete trust in You today. You have my best interests a...