He Hears Us!

"He will be gracious to you when you cry out, as soon as He hears He will answer you." Isaiah 30: 19

Certain circumstances in life will tell us that God seems to be "missing in action.":

...a death in the family
...financial difficulties
...broken relationships

More often than not, we put the blame to God, as if He was responsible for all the miserable things that happened to you; as if He does not hear our prayers.

Friends, God reminds us today that He is always listening to us. He blesses us with His very best for us. If we seek Him, we will find Him. And even if we don't do so, He will find a way to hear you out. And as He hears us out, God will be generous and gracious to give you what you need. Sometimes, it comes not as fast as we expect it to be. We just have to wait patiently and believe that God will provide what is best for us.

God hears us. He always does. Keep believing!

What are you praying for today?


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