
Showing posts from November, 2011

There's a Rainbow After the Rain!

"Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning." Psalm 30:5 A bad experience may have caused you to feel despair and sadness: ...death of a loved one ...people turning you down ...broken relationships And there may be a lot more that could just simply dampen your spirit. It is very tempting to be depressed and just put ourselves down when these experiences come our way. It is very tempting just to lose hope, and give up on everything. Sad as it may seem, many people die because of so much problems.  Here , you will find some major causes of suicide. One of them: Depression. Sadness can really put a person down. Sadness can even lead to death. God has a good plan for you! Friends, today God reminds us that in every dark situation, there will always be the light. God never made us to be pulled down by sadness. That's the work of the enemy. God is never responsible for the bad things happening to us. God only wants what is good for us. ...

With God, you Belong!

"Rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep." Romans 12: 15 I've learned that in life, you can only be happy if you go with people who are happy. You get the same energy that they have, because you get carried away by the way they act and speak. Optimism is developed if you join a group of people who are optimistic. On the other hand, misery is the end result of being with people who are miserable! People feel sad because the people surrounding them is sad and depressed. Friends, God does not want you to be sad! From the creation of the universe, God gave us companions so that we can belong and enjoy everything that He has given us.  He wants us to a community where so much gladness fills the place. God wants nothing less but happiness for us. Believe that God will send people in your lives that will pull you out of despair and bring you towards the light where there will be so much rejoicing! With God in our lives, despair is nev...

He Hears Us!

"He will be gracious to you when you cry out, as soon as He hears He will answer you." Isaiah 30: 19 Certain circumstances in life will tell us that God seems to be "missing in action." : ...a death in the family difficulties ...broken relationships More often than not, we put the blame to God, as if He was responsible for all the miserable things that happened to you; as if He does not hear our prayers. Friends, God reminds us today that He is always listening to us . He blesses us with His very best for us. If we seek Him, we will find Him. And even if we don't do so, He will find a way to hear you out. And as He hears us out, God will be generous and gracious to give you what you need. Sometimes, it comes not as fast as we expect it to be. We just have to wait patiently and believe that God will provide what is best for us. God hears us. He always does. Keep believing! What are you praying for today?

Take my Hand...

"Yet I am always with You; You hold me by my right hand. You guide me with your counsel, and afterward You will take me into glory." Psalm 73: 23-24 Isn't it nice when we walk with someone around the park, in the mall, in Church, or anywhere else and he or she is holding our hand? Isn't it also nice to see parents holding on to their child's hands as they walk together? For some, it gives them a sense of security that no matter what happens, there is someone you can hold on to. It can't be avoided that sometimes, along the way, there will be cracks along the road that will cause us to trip or to stumble...yet here's the thing: this won't happen because someone is holding us by the hand. Friends, this is God's simple message today: He is always walking with us wherever we go. And not just simple walking with us, He is also holding us by the hand every step of the way. In life, there are many "cracks" out there and will cause us to s...

Pass it on!

"Only be careful, and watch yourselves closely so that you do not forget the things your eyes have seen or let them fade from your heart as long as you live. Teach them to your children and to their children after them." Deuteronomy 4: 9 God is a great God! He wants nothing less but for us to experience His abundant blessings and joy in our lives! Maybe at this point in time, you can boldly declare and profess that you have been receiving God's very best in your life, that you are... ...blessed!                    ...filled with joy!               ...loved! It is such a wonderful feeling, right? Yet, it is not enough that we just receive the blessings and joy from God. Today, God calls us to SHARE whatever blessings we have received from Him. God's abundant blessings can extend to so much more if we learn how to PASS IT ON. As they say, it is better to give than to simply receive...

God endures forever!

“For he is the living God    and He endures forever; His kingdom will not be destroyed,    His dominion will never end. He rescues and He saves;    He performs signs and wonders    in the heavens and on the earth" (Daniel 6: 26-27) Anywhere we go, there will always be people who will proclaim and declare that the world will will finally come to its end. Some say it will happen on 2012, others, earlier than that.  Either way...we cannot honestly say when this day will come. We are constantly reminded in the Scripture that we should expect the unexpected. We should always be ready and prepared for what is about to come. Today, we are assured that God endures forever! And having this in mind, there is nothing for us to fear...even death. God is beyond that! God is more powerful than that! He is a big God! God's love endures forever! He reigns eternally! He is at the throne! He is our Father, and our Savior! Are you prepar...

Hang On!

"By your perseverance you will secure your lives" Luke 21: 19 Life may have been rough recently... ...failed relationships difficulties ...rejection by many people ...lost a job                                      ...and a whole lot more But is this an excuse to give up on God? NO. Friends, today, God is reminding us not to give up on Him. He is a BIG God! ...nothing is impossible with Him! ...blessings and abundance is what He wants for us! ...a happy family is what He will provide us! ...real friendships wil come our way because of Him! So why worry? Just stay in faith, HOLD ON to it! Persevere, work on it, work with Him! He will provide the best for you all the days of your life! :) Are you ready for His abundant blessings? May this song be your source of inspiration and your prayer for strength... Listen to the Voice of Truth: GOD.

God is goodness, God is love!

"God works with those who love Him...and turns everything to their good" Romans 8: 28 As they say: "it takes two to tango" A tango won't be expressed beautifully if only one dances it, or if the other one does not go with his/ her partner in every move and beat. Just the same with a loving relationship, it can never be a one-way process. Both should be involved in it. One must love each other wholeheartedly, know each other very well, spend quality time together and only aim for the benefit and good of each other. God calls us today to establish and strengthen our loving relationship with Him. This is a relationship that He freely gives us, no charge, no extra effort. However, this relationship can only work if we cooperate with Him: that is to love Him with all our heart, mind, soul and strength. God can only work His wonderful ways in us if we freely accept this loving relationship that He is offering us.  He loves each and everyone of us, ...

A Handful of Goodness and Kindness

"But she out of her poverty put in all that she had to live on." Luke 21: 4 Generosity ...what does this word mean? I came across this  story that speaks of the same attitude that this widow showed. This is true generosity. This is our perfect example of how we can truly manifest generosity  - in its right sense. Today, God speaks this message to us: give, even in your poverty... not just to show off , but to sincerely help those who are really in need.  God can never be outdone in generosity. He will give you what you need, when you need it. I believe that God will even double whatever you sincerely share to others. There are many people in need...not only of our financial help but of our sincere generosity. Material wealth given to them is not enough. It is the thought that we sincerely give is what matters most. How far can you go to show your generosity to those who need it more? Prayer for Generosity:

Lost and Found

"The lost I will seek out, the strayed I will bring back..." Ezekiel 34: 16 If you feel like life has turned you down , rejected and condemned you.... If you feel like you have done so much wrong in your life and feel like no one dares to love you anymore... Think again. Today, God ...                     our FATHER                           our KING                                 our SAVIOR reminds us that He will seek you out and bring you back to His loving arms. He will never forsake you! He just loves you so much that He cannot just leave you. All he does is to LOVE you. Remember when St. John Paul II (then Pope John Paul II) was shot by a man named Mehmet Ali Agca? This event shocked the world for such an action.  However, what was most shocking in thi...