There's a Rainbow After the Rain!

"Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning." Psalm 30:5

A bad experience may have caused you to feel despair and sadness:

...death of a loved one
...people turning you down
...broken relationships

And there may be a lot more that could just simply dampen your spirit. It is very tempting to be depressed and just put ourselves down when these experiences come our way. It is very tempting just to lose hope, and give up on everything. Sad as it may seem, many people die because of so much problems. 

Here, you will find some major causes of suicide. One of them: Depression.

Sadness can really put a person down. Sadness can even lead to death.

God has a good plan for you!
Friends, today God reminds us that in every dark situation, there will always be the light. God never made us to be pulled down by sadness. That's the work of the enemy. God is never responsible for the bad things happening to us. God only wants what is good for us.


Because He loves us! HE loves us so much! He defined who we are:


Our failures should never, ever define who we are. Let not our bad experiences allow us to define the way we will live our lives. God wants us to be happy, to see the light amidst the darkness. He promises us today that He will bring the light out of the dark! He will be that light that will dispel the darkness caused by our bad experiences.
Failure is not a rejection, but a delay!
Pray today that God would bless you with strength and patience in dealing with life's problems and difficulties. Let us also pray for all those who are suffering that they may find true happiness in God all the days of their lives.

How can you share God's joy to others?


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