With God, you Belong!

"Rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep." Romans 12: 15

I've learned that in life, you can only be happy if you go with people who are happy. You get the same energy that they have, because you get carried away by the way they act and speak. Optimism is developed if you join a group of people who are optimistic.

On the other hand, misery is the end result of being with people who are miserable! People feel sad because the people surrounding them is sad and depressed.

Friends, God does not want you to be sad! From the creation of the universe, God gave us companions so that we can belong and enjoy everything that He has given us. 

He wants us to belong...to a community where so much gladness fills the place. God wants nothing less but happiness for us. Believe that God will send people in your lives that will pull you out of despair and bring you towards the light where there will be so much rejoicing! With God in our lives, despair is never an option. In God's Kingdom, everyone is blessed and happy. Choose to be happy...always! Be with happy people! Help those who are in need by making them feel the happiness God has to offer.

How can you make others rejoice in God's goodness?


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