Take my Hand...
"Yet I am always with You; You hold me by my right hand. You guide me with your counsel, and afterward You will take me into glory." Psalm 73: 23-24

For some, it gives them a sense of security that no matter what happens, there is someone you can hold on to. It can't be avoided that sometimes, along the way, there will be cracks along the road that will cause us to trip or to stumble...yet here's the thing: this won't happen because someone is holding us by the hand.

God will never, ever leave us. He is always with us as we journey our individual lives. He is holding on to us, never letting us go for He is ready to protect us in every struggle we are going through. And as He holds on to our hands, we are assured, not only of our safety, but also an assurance that we are led to a life of joy and peace...at home with God!
Friends, hold on to God as He holds on to us. He never gives up on us. He wants to be with us every step of the way. He wants to protect us, care for us and love us!
Are you ready to hold onto God's promises of peace ond joy for your life?
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