Lost and Found
"The lost I will seek out, the strayed I will bring back..." Ezekiel 34: 16
If you feel like life has turned you down, rejected and condemned you....
If you feel like you have done so much wrong in your life and feel like no one dares to love you anymore...
Think again.
Today, God...our FATHER
our KING
reminds us that He will seek you out and bring you back to His loving arms. He will never forsake you! He just loves you so much that He cannot just leave you. All he does is to LOVE you.

However, what was most shocking in this event is what happened after...

The Pope himself visited Agca in his prison cell and FORGAVE him for what he had done!
Friends, God is "chasing" after you. He wants you to be happy in His love! :)
Are you ready to accept Him?
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